This election is important for health care workers

Working together these last seven years, we’ve made gains for HEU members and public health care. But, with the upcoming election, all this progress could be undone. It would make life harder with lower wages, cuts and privatization. That’s why we’re running the HEU Votes campaign to get members to vote for health care.

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Our union

Since its founding in 1944, the Hospital Employees' Union has had a long and proud tradition of standing up together for public health care and everyday working families. Today, HEU is the largest health care union in B.C. Our 60,000 members work in every area of health care, including community health and community social services.

Our victories

Over the years, we’ve achieved many victories for health care workers, like pay equity, reversing privatization, wage levelling and investments in health care., for HEU members and for public health care services. We’ve done it all through collective action.

Our strength

Our most valuable resource is you. When members like you volunteer your time, it connects you to a long and proud tradition of activism that’s been the backbone of HEU since we were first established. And it’s the key to our collective strength.

Our political action

Using our collective strength and getting involved in the provincial election is the best way to support public health care, and make progress on the issues that matter most to you and your family. And you’ll be making our union even stronger.