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Pledge your vote

We’re asking HEU members to pledge that they’ll vote for health care in the upcoming B.C. election.

Take Action

Learn how you can take fun and meaningful online actions and help spread the word to make health care a priority this election.

Take Action

Why we’re doing this

As HEU members, we love our work. We’re fighting for our patients, residents and clients. Learn more about the HEU Votes campaign and why we’re doing this.

Learn more
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This year’s BC election is important for health care workers

When we vote, we help choose a government that will shape our future for the next four years. This time there’s so much at stake for you and your family.

The government will make a BIG difference. Depending on who is elected, B.C. can continue to move forward, improving health care and wages and working conditions. Or, if the wrong party takes power, we could go backwards. Learn more about what’s at stake.